I was meaty that time! Lost some pounds since 2010 |
I first started my interest in sewing in late 2010, I'm a very impatience person and as most people would say that sewing require alot of patience and i dont have that in me. My mum has been a sewer in her early 20s (now age 67) and work for a small factory about 10 years and quit her job after having my elder sister and my brother (I'm the youngest). I guess i inherited my mom hobbies at age 34. She very good at sewing curtain and sewing pouches, bags etc. When I'm little, I wasn't interest in sewing at all especially seeing my mom manually thread the needles with her super small eyes and patiently try again and again till she threads the needle hole. We don't have sewing machine in those days that can auto thread your sewing needle. She still have the manual peddle Singer Machine(which i look forward to use when I'm visiting them this year). Ocassionally, she hand sewing some of the curtain seam allowance and lace.
My passion for sewing grow unexpectedly,my mum didn't really taught me but she give me inspiration and i found my true passion after all this while when watching her sew when I'm little. I remember when my mum made me a small coin bag whenever there is crime around our town. I find everything she made really good and she proud of her work and I'm proud that her passion for sewing continue in me.
This is my story and hope this give others inspiration that it never too late to realize your talent and follow your hearts when your mind say it is impossible.
Thank you for reading and best wishes 2012
yc leung